How did you get into art / have you always been painting?
As a child I always loved drawing, it is in my DNA. I was never without a pencil in my hand. My first memories are drawing princesses with big dresses with narrow waists and as a teenager, sketching family members. When I moved from the pencil to other mediums, I found managing colour, tone and technique was much more of a challenge for me. Unfortunately when I was in secondary school, art was not taught as a serious subject. My career and other life priorities took precedence and art was forgotten.
I did not take up art again until about my mid 20’s when I enrolled in an oil painting evening class which I thoroughly enjoyed for two seasons. I had a good art teacher. After this I found an excellent life drawing course in Dun Laoghaire College of Art and Design.
I took early retirement in 2020 and immediately took up the pencil again and also dabbled with watercolours. In 2021 I joined the Greystones Art Group, which was a transformative experience for me because of the incredible support the group has given me. With modesty, I have to say my art has improved significantly. Solo painting at home has been frustrating and challenging, but thanks to the Art Group Monday sessions, meeting like-minded artists who generously share their expertise and advice, has deepened my passion for art and encourages me to persevere and develop my skills. Nowadays I have a lot of time to experiment and practice with colours and techniques, reading art books and surfing the internet for inspiration!
What medium/media do you use?
I started acrylics in 2021 in order to build my skills. I have now returned to oil paints which is my favourite medium.
What are your favourite subjects?
My favourite theme is landscapes with at least one building, car, boat or animal present. I love complex detailed subjects, though less can be more as they say (in a painting). I am not keen on painting too much foliage, I tend to get lost in the forest of greens – though it is early days yet! I have completed a few nocturnes and realise I like that. Colour, light and shade contrast are very important to me.
Is there anything in particular you like to communicate through your art?
My hope is to communicate the beauty that I see all around me.
Do you take commissions?
Perhaps I will work towards it.